Interviews with Researchers by Parkinson’s UK Volunteer
Paula Scurfield, one of the project’s PPI volunteers from Parkinson’s UK interviewed partners from Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center and GeneXplain GmbH.
#UniteforParkinsons PD-MitoQUANT project
Created by NeuroNet for the #UniteforParkinsons 2021 campaign, this video showcases PD-MitoQUANT‘s quantitative approach to the characterisation of mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson’s.
‘Parkinson’s Research in Ireland’
In November 2020, April 2021 and March/April 2022, the RCSI, Royal College of Surgeons hosted three online event series about ‘Parkinson’s Research in Ireland’.
Below are some of the talks given during the events.
Gary Boyle,
Parkinson’s Association of Ireland
‘Parkinson’s, Progression and Me’
Gary Boyle discussed his journey with Parkinson’s. With the Parkinson’s Association in Ireland, Gary advocates for the advancement of new Parkinson’s treatments and the wider availability of Parkinson’s care in Ireland.
Prof. Jochen Prehn,
PD-MitoQUANT Coordinator, RCSI
Prof. Prehn of the RCSI shared initial PD-MitoQUANT data, describing how neuron death might start with mitochondrial dysfunction and lead to the accumulation of phosphorylated alpha-synuclein in dopamine-producing cells.
Dr. Eilís Dowd,
NUI Galway
‘Cell therapies for Parkinson’s’
Dr Eilis Dowd of the School of Medicine at NUI Galway presented the variety of potential cell therapies being developed for Parkinson’s and the cell encapsulation research ongoing in her group.
Prof. Suzanne Timmons,
University College Cork
‘A flavour of Parkinson’s Disease research within UCC’
Prof. Suzanne Timmons from the Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation in UCC presented their ongoing Parkinson’s research portfolio, highlighting patient-centred medicine concerned with Parkinson’s.
Prof. Maeve Caldwell,
Trinity College Dublin
‘Using Stem Cells to Study the Role of Astrocytes in Parkinson’s’
Prof. Maeve Caldwell of Trinity College Dublin spoke about her research using induced pluripotent stem cell lines to study the role of astrocytes in Parkinson’s.
Richelle Flanagan,
PD Avengers, World Parkinson’s Congress Ambassador, Parkinson’s Association Ireland
‘To PD and Beyond‘
Richelle Flanagan representative of PD Avengers, World Parkinson’s Congress Ambassador and Member of Parkinson’s Association Ireland spoke about her experiences with Parkinson’s and advocacy.
Andrew Phelan and Cecelia Reyes,
Beats Medical
‘A novel Digital Therapeutic approach to Parkinson’s research and self-management’
Chief Operations Officer Andrew Phelan and Research Associate Cecelia Reyes from Beats Medical shared the podium to discuss ‘A novel Digital Therapeutic approach to Parkinson’s research and self-management’.
Prof. Madeleine Lowery,
University College Dublin
‘Rhythms of the brain, Towards closed-loop control of deep brain stimulation’
Prof. Madeleine Lowery of UCD’s School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering spoke about her research on closed-loop control of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s.
Dr. Niamh Connolly,
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
‘PD-MitoQUANT – Characterising mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson’s’
Dr. Niamh Connolly, Deputy PD-MitoQUANT Coordinator of the Royal College of Surgeon’s in Ireland, spoke about results from the project to characterise mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson’s.
Richard Campbell of Parkinson’s UK spoke about his role as a Person with Parkinson’s in the PD-MitoQUANT project and his wider work in Public Patient Involvement.
Roisin Vance of Beaumont Hospital spoke about her role as a physiotherapist, focusing on physiotherapy for Parkinson’s.
Press Releases
Key Project Details
Media Contact
For further details regarding the project, contact Beckie Port.
Parkinson’s UK
215 Vauxhall Bridge Road
London SW1V 1EJ
Phone: +44 (0)20 7931 8080