Parkinson’s UK

Parkinson’s UK is a patient-led organization with ~38,000 members. Our vision is to find a cure, and improve the life of everyone affected by Parkinson’s. Research mission – We influence and fund groundbreaking research internationally to advance the understanding of Parkinson’s and improve treatments. Since its conception Parkinson’s UK has funded over£85 million of ground-breaking research.

In PD-MitoQUANT Parkinson’s UK will provide access to the Parkinson’s UK Tissue Bank at Imperial College London, as well as provide access to a world-class patient involvement programme and research communications team.

Parkinson's UK logo
David Dexter
David Dexter
Chair, Communication and Dissemination Committee
Beckie Port
Beckie Port
Research Communications Manager
Richard Campbell
Richard Campbell
Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) Representative