The Team
PD-MitoQUANT involves 14 different partners from 9 countries. The project brings together a multi-disciplinary team with expertise in mitochondrial biology, disease models, systems modelling, bioinformatics, preclinical research/imaging and patient engagement.
The Executive Team
Project Coordinator

Professor Jochen Prehn is the Coordinator of the PD-MitoQUANT project. He is Director of the Centre of Systems Medicine at The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland – University of Medicine and Health Sciences (RCSI) and Chair of the RCSI Department of Physiology and Medical Physics. Prof Prehn has acted as coordinator and/or Principal Investigator for a number of national and international research projects including APO-DECIDE, OXYSENSE and APO-SYS. Prof Prehn is an expert in neurodegeneration, medical systems biology and cell survival and death signalling, and has more than 200 peer-reviewed publications including publications in J Neurosci, Nature Genetics, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, EMBO J and J Cell Biol (Google Scholar: h-index 68; >15,000 cited).
Project Leader

Dr. Dana Bar-On is the Project Leader for Teva, sharing overall leadership with the Coordinator. She is the director of Teva’s global R&D Academic Affairs and Networks. Previously to her role in Teva, she was the head of the industry-academia cooperation at the Sagol School of Neuroscience in Tel Aviv University, the largest neuroscience school in Israel. Dr. Bar-On was the founder and head of BrainBoost and Minducate, two innovation and entrepreneurship centers aimed at creating and advancing new commercial academic ventures and start-ups in the field of brain disorders. Dr. Bar-On did her post doc in Tel Aviv University in collaboration with Cambridge University focusing on developing early diagnosis for Parkinson’s disease via super-resolution microscopy. She finished her Ph.D in Neurobiology focusing on advanced imaging methods, simulations and modeling of synaptic proteins. Dr. Bar-On served as a scientific consultant at several leading financial and high-tech private firms and as a director at the EU Human Brain Project education and curriculum committee.
Scientific Co-Leaders
Dr. Tina Stummann and Dr. Olga Corti are Scientific Co-Leaders, focusing on orchestration and integration of the scientific work of the project.

Dr. Tina Stummann is a Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Proteinopathy at Lundbeck A/S. She leads Lundbeck’s stem cell group, with extensive experience in establishing models based on neuronal differentiation of pluripotent stem cells, in vitro tau and αSyn models in iPSC neurons and functional electrophysiological endpoints in αSyn seeded primary neurons. She is a key driver of Lundbeck’s knowledge platform on mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Olga Corti is a Research Director at Institut National de la Santé et Recherche Médicale and joint head of the team “Molecular Physiopathology of Parkinson’s disease” at the Institute du Cerveau – Paris Brain Institute (ICM). She is expert in the functional analysis of protein products of Parkinson’s genes, with a focus on mechanisms of mitochondrial quality control. Dr. Corti has acted as Principal Investigator or coordinator in projects funded by the French National Research Agency, France Parkinson, Fondation de France, Michael J Fox Foundation and the European Union, such as MeFoPa and ERA-Net NEURON-REPark.